let me walk you through my craft cupboard today....
thats an old black and white picture of my parents, my brother(he is getting married in dec!!) and me(center)

my craft supplies and lovely fabrics i work with
i have always thought that i am god's favourite child! things have just always fallen in place for me...like this cupboard....now...the story of the craft cupboard...
before i was married, Vivek my husband had recently moved to Pune for his job and was looking for an apartment where the two of us would begin our lives as a couple!
he had strict instructions from me to take an absolutely empty apartment! he got one...we moved in...and then a month later our landlady decided to move back! so we began hunting for a new apartment...we found one..the only problem was that the house came with 2 large godrej almirahs...(if you've seen them you know they don't make beautiful pics)...having no other option we took the house....and moved in.
so the cupboards were moved to the spare bedroom and there they stood empty. one day...before Vivek could put useless stuff in that almirah (we put all our luggage in the other...what a blessing) i claimed it and started keeping my craft supplies there (i carried some from home..part of my bridal trousseau hehhehe).
the supplies grew over time and i started making products...today i feel blessed that i had this extra cupboard..it plays a very important role in the making of my brand and so you see now...how things have just fallen in place for me??!!
Awww! that was sweet. :)
My mom has two huge godrej cupboards...and yes, they don't make for pretty pictures, do they?
Not pretty but very functional.....Wonder if you can paint them...? Like a mural or something on it to make it more picture worthy?
Oh Kinika... this is super gorgeous... Love your stuff... Wish you all the success in the world...
i am liking the godrej cupboard in the pic.. very nice post!! hey pls put a close up of that black n white pic.. it was hard to see even with my eyes peeled wide!! he he
tell me about the godrej almirahs...we have two, yes two! But you know something, keep them. They are the next 'it' in interior fashion. They will look great with coat of paint, some stencilled designs, block printed borders maybe, and a coat of crackle paint on top of all that!:)
We have some of those monsters in our house too. And no, they don't blend with our otherwise heritage home and decor. How do you paint them? Spray paint? I like the paint on yours - it's a nice green and doesn't look like the standard horrible green that these come in.
Thank you so much for your interest in my small blog! I love your products! And the stashes of fabric in the pictures are so inspiring... if I had more time.. sigh! Greetings from Germany! Isabella
ur craft supplies look good in there kanika! i have been planning to do something really arty with my craft cupboard.
Yup one can definitely paint them...i would have if they were mine...but they belong to the landlord!
Hello Isabella!
Thank you for stopping by :)
Thanks Veda!
And the Godrej cupboards now come in various funky colours too! I think spray paint works best!
Oh you write so well! Such a simple but sweet story! I know about the godrej cupboards.. My mom has two and my sis (who also lives in pune) has a small one.
As I can make out yours is a very nice color as is, If you want go with some stencil design or maybe some wall sticker kind of thing.
I love how organized you are!! :)
Awww.. what a sweet and lovely story Kanika!
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