pictures above by Anna Kern found via Decor8
so i have a colleague who collects bottles. whenever we travel to germany he picks up used glass water bottles from restaurants. the bottles there are amazing and drinking packaged water out of glass bottles is really a luxury for me...i do not know about you. the bottles come in such pretty blues greens and browns that i am soo tempted to pick them up myself sometimes but i don't because a.) i am scared they'll make me open my bags at the airport; and b.) my colleague came up with the idea and not'll make me look like a child from the 'me too' generation :)
i am in awe of this colleague of mine, for his fearless attitute. his passion for everything new in general and his child like enthusiasm for things/people/places that catch his fancy. sometimes i think in trying to be/look more sophisticated, been there done that, i know the ways of the world sort of a person, i forget to express my original self.
hmm...didn't think glass bottles would trigger such thoughts in me..but seriously does this happen to you too?
i am writing this post as a dedication to my colleague's unhidden and passionate expressions/reactions (is there such a thing?) and his child like curiosity for the wonders of life!!
some pictures of bottles in ceramic and glass that i collected online. all credits to people who made them or found them and then posted them online (as is don't know where these pics come from...i have very few names saved)
i love this Delft Blue bottle above. even jaipur blue pottery has this colour doesn't it? i wonder where the similarity starts (or ends).
one can easily reuse glass bottles as flower vases or simply for decoration around the house.
i think they look just wonderful....and it is time i have some of my own! :)