Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Baro India: A home store like none other!

launched on the 12th and 13th November 2016 in Mumbai and if you weren't there, you missed on all the champagne!

 Well worry not, the store is open for business now and they have a fantastic presence online as well!

Interestingly you can join team Baro to demystify design and make it your own, with help from BARO's very own Srila Chatterjee,Siddharth Sirohi and Krsnaa Mehta the man whose unique design style speaks for itself. 
What: How to find your own Design Style
When: 19th November, 11:00 AM
To register email at info@baro-india.com 
Check out their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/baroindia/

 At Baro, you will not only find superb reclaimed mid century modern pieces of furniture but also, lighting solutions, original folk art and textiles to dress up your home.
Very proud to have Anek Designs also showcased at Baro!

 If your style is eclectic then this is the store for you!

The best part about Baro however for me remains the force behind the store Srila Chatterjee and her fantastic team. I met Srila at my first ever show with Black Taxi in Mumbai. I had just started out and was also making kantha jackets at the time amongst other things. She came to my stall, told me she liked the jacket but wanted it customised for her, gave me the size, money and her address and left. I had no idea who she was and if she would even remember me when the package reached her as the transaction was so quick.

I promply checked if there was anything about her online, since she had such a star presence about her. I found lots of articles and some very inspiring interviews online, but what struck me was her individual style and her love for jewellery.
I included one of my first little necklaces, along with the jacket and then forgot all about it.

Many many months later Srila called me to say she had a little project for me, luckily I had moved to Mumbai by then (from Pune). I had no idea that she had remembered Anek Designs all this while. Ever since then, she has found little projects for me to do and I am so grateful for them! I know that the projects that she includes me in, are all that she can do herself, but it is this quality to include and grow together that is so attractive about her.

There is a warmth that she exudes, it is so generous that it is reflected by others around her including her team. It is the same warmth that will greet you at Baro, I promise, and if you are lucky you will take some of this sunshine home with you!

You can reach the store here:

Phone: 022-40344888
Email: info@baro-india.com
Opening Time: 10:30 - 19:00 hrs

12 Sun Mills Compound, Lower Parel
Mumbai, India

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